Monday, May 11, 2009

OFFSPRING: The Seven Councils

The doctrinal decisions and formulations of the seven ecumenical councils between 325 and 787 stand as the formal deposit of normative dogma. One reason for this is that no later actions of any church lay claim to the title “ecumenical.” (Credo, Jaroslav Pelikan, 2003)

The single most important rule of faith for church is adherence to the apostolic tradition. Nowhere is that tradition contained and displayed better than in the conclusions of the seven ecumenical councils. Many today argue that the scriptures contain all that is necessary, however, this fails to aknowledge that all sides in these controversies had the scriptures, yet, many still erred. The councils acted with a frame work of intrpretation that employed the whole of the apostolic teaching, and this enabled them to interpret scriptures properly. Yet, few today even know what the councils said and concluded. Most Christians today think that it is up to them to decide how to interpret scripture, and to create and discover the grid that will yield a true understanding of the canon of truth. The fact is that the apostolic tradition already exists, it has been believed the church at all times, and it has been applied in the seven ecumenical councils for our learning and protection.

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